Case Studies

We have a diverse resume of management experience.  Our group has several years of training in many fields including, small business development, special projects, and foundation/charitable development.

Small Business

Adonal Foyle Enterprises LLC

A complete management program for NBA player.

Developed and implemented a customized athlete matrix to manage the off the court affairs of a professional basketball player.  Included working in concert with Team Administration, League Officials, Agent, Financial Advisor, Accountant, and Family Members.

Small Business

Time Out Real Estate LLC

Real Estate offerings designed to accommodate the seasonal needs of professional athletes.

Developed Small Real Estate Business operation.  Facilitated research, evaluation, and purchasing of Real Estate Properties in several US Markets. Including compliance, identity, website, and operational plan.

Special Project

Adonal Foyle Island Basketball Camps / Caribbean Tour

Youth Sports Camp.

Created and developed top-flight international basketball camp.  Including planning and development, event production, staffing, travel arrangements, sponsorships, and marketing.

Special Project

MLB World Series “Hometown Hero” Viewing Event

Special Theater Showing of Professional Sporting Event.

Planning and development of special viewing event of 2009 MLB World Series.  Handled legal compliance, venue negotiations, creative services, event production, sponsorships and marketing.